Source code for pylgn.core

import sys
import numpy as np
import abc
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
import quantities as pq

if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
    ABC = abc.ABC
    ABC = abc.ABCMeta('ABC', (), {})

def _unpack_kernel_tuple(kernel):
    if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
        from inspect import signature
        from funcsigs import signature

    if not isinstance(kernel, tuple):
        raise TypeError("kernel is not a tuple", type(kernel))

    if "w" in str(signature(kernel[0])):
        temporal, spatial = kernel[0], kernel[1]
        spatiotemporal_kernel = lambda w, kx, ky: temporal(w) * spatial(kx, ky)
        temporal, spatial = kernel[1], kernel[0]
        spatiotemporal_kernel = lambda w, kx, ky: temporal(w) * spatial(kx, ky)

    return spatiotemporal_kernel

[docs]def closure_params(closure): """ Stores closure parameters in a dict Parameters ---------- closure : function A closure function Returns ------- out : dict Dictionary """ if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): pass else: from qualname import qualname attrs = {} for cell_name, cell in zip(closure.__code__.co_freevars, closure.__closure__): cell_contents = cell.cell_contents if not callable(cell_contents): if "params" not in attrs: attrs["params"] = {} attrs["params"][cell_name] = cell_contents if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): attrs["type"] = closure.__qualname__.split(".")[0] else: attrs["type"] = qualname(closure).split(".")[0] else: attrs[cell_name] = closure_params(cell_contents) if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): attrs[cell_name]["type"] = cell_contents.__qualname__.split("." )[0] else: attrs[cell_name]["type"] = qualname(cell_contents).split(".")[0] return attrs
############################################################## # Integrator class ##############################################################
[docs]class Integrator: """ Integrator class for fast Fourier transform calculations. Attributes ---------- times positions temporal_angular_freqs spatial_angular_freqs Nt : int Number of spatial points. Nr : int Number of temporal points dt : quantity scalar Temporal resolution dr : quantity scalar Spatial resolution dw : quantity scalar Temporal frequency resolution dk : quantity scalar Spatial frequency resolution """
[docs] def __init__(self, nt, nr, dt, dr): """ Integrator constructor Parameters ---------- nt : int The power to raise 2 to. Number of temporal points is 2**nt. nr : int The power to raise 2 to. Number of spatial points is 2**nr. dt : quantity scalar Temporal resolution dr : quantity scalar Spatial resolution """ self.Nt = int(2**nt) self.Nr = int(2**nr) self.dt = dt.rescale("ms") if isinstance(dt, pq.Quantity) else dt * self.dr = dr.rescale("deg") if isinstance(dr, pq.Quantity) else dr * pq.deg self.w_s = 2 * np.pi / self.dt self.k_s = 2 * np.pi / self.dr self.dw = self.w_s / self.Nt = self.k_s / self.Nr self._t_vec = np.linspace(0, self.Nt - 1, self.Nt) * self.dt self._r_vec = np.linspace(-self.Nr/2, self.Nr/2 - 1, self.Nr) * self.dr self._w_vec = np.fft.fftfreq(self.Nt, self.dt) * -2 * np.pi self._k_vec = np.fft.fftfreq(self.Nr, self.dr) * 2 * np.pi self._fft_factor = self.dt.magnitude * self.dr.magnitude**2 self._ifft_factor = 1. / self._fft_factor
[docs] def meshgrid(self): """ Spatiotemporal meshgrid Returns ------- out : t_vec, y_vec, x_vec: quantity arrays time, x, and y values. """ return np.meshgrid(self._t_vec, self._r_vec, self._r_vec, indexing='ij', sparse=True)
[docs] def freq_meshgrid(self): """ Frequency meshgrid Returns ------- out : w_vec, ky_vec, kx_vec: quantity arrays temporal and spatial frequency values. """ return np.meshgrid(self._w_vec, self._k_vec, np.abs(self._k_vec[:int(self.Nr/2+1)]), indexing='ij', sparse=True)
@property def times(self): """ Time array Returns ------- out : quantity array times """ return self._t_vec @property def positions(self): """ Position array Returns ------- out : quantity array positions """ return self._r_vec @property def temporal_angular_freqs(self): """ Temporal angular frequency array Returns ------- out : quantity array temporal angular frequencies """ return self._w_vec.rescale(pq.kHz) @property def temporal_freqs(self): """ Temporal frequency array Returns ------- out : quantity array temporal frequencies """ return self.temporal_angular_freqs / 2 / np.pi @property def spatial_angular_freqs(self): """ Spatial angular frequency array Returns ------- out : quantity array spatial angular frequencies """ return self._k_vec @property def spatial_freqs(self): """ Spatial frequency array Returns ------- out : quantity array spatial frequencies """ return self.spatial_angular_freqs / 2 / np.pi
[docs] def compute_inverse_fft(self, cube): """ Computes inverse fast Fourier transform. Parameters ---------- cube : array_like input array (3-dimensional) Returns ------- out : array_like transformed array """ cube = np.fft.irfftn(cube) return np.fft.fftshift(cube, axes=(1, 2)) * self._ifft_factor
[docs] def compute_fft(self, cube): """ Computes fast Fourier transform. Parameters ---------- cube : array_like input array (3-dimensional) Returns ------- out : array_like transformed array """ cube = np.fft.rfftn(np.fft.fftshift(cube, axes=(1, 2))) return cube * self._fft_factor
############################################################## # Network ##############################################################
[docs]class Network: """ Network class Attributes ---------- neurons : list List with pylgn.Neuron objects integrator : pylgn.Integrator Integrator object stimulus : pylgn.Stimulus Stimulus object """
[docs] def __init__(self, memory_efficient=False): """ Network constructor """ self.neurons = [] self.stimulus = None self.memory_efficient = memory_efficient
[docs] def create_integrator(self, nt, nr, dt, dr): """ Create and set integrator Parameters ---------- nt : int The power to raise 2 to. Number of temporal points is 2**nt. nr : int The power to raise 2 to. Number of spatial points is 2**nr. dt : quantity scalar Temporal resolution dr : quantity scalar Spatial resolution Returns ------- out : pylgn.Integrator Integrator object """ self.integrator = Integrator(nt, nr, dt, dr) return self.integrator
[docs] def create_descriptive_neuron(self, background_response=0/pq.s, kernel=None, annotations={}): """ Create descriptive neuron Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. kernel : function Impulse-response function. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations. Returns ------- out : pylgn.DescriptiveNeuron Descriptive neuron object """ neuron = DescriptiveNeuron(background_response=background_response, kernel=kernel, annotations=annotations) self.neurons.append(neuron) return neuron
[docs] def create_ganglion_cell(self, background_response=0/pq.s, kernel=None, annotations={}): """ Create ganglion cell Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. kernel : function Impulse-response function. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations. Returns ------- out : pylgn.Ganglion Ganglion object """ ganglion = Ganglion(background_response=background_response, kernel=kernel, annotations=annotations) self.neurons.append(ganglion) return ganglion
[docs] def create_relay_cell(self, background_response=0/pq.s, annotations={}): """ Create relay cell Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations. Returns ------- out : pylgn.Relay Relay object """ if len([neuron for neuron in self.neurons if type(neuron).__name__ == "Relay"]) != 0: raise ValueError("network already has relay cell population") relay = Relay(background_response, annotations=annotations) self.neurons.append(relay) return relay
[docs] def create_cortical_cell(self, background_response=0/pq.s, annotations={}): """ Create cortical cell Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations. Returns ------- out : pylgn.Cortical Cortical object """ cortical = Cortical(background_response, annotations=annotations) self.neurons.append(cortical) return cortical
[docs] def set_stimulus(self, closure, compute_fft=False): """ Sets stimulus. Parameters ---------- closure : callable (closure) stimulus function. If compute_fft is False the stimulus function should be the Fourier transform of the stimulus. compute_fft : bool If True numerical integration is used to calculate the Fourier transform of the stimulus. """ from inspect import getargspec self.stimulus = Stimulus(closure) closure_args = getargspec(closure).args if not compute_fft: if not all(arg in ("w", "kx", "ky") for arg in closure_args): raise TypeError("Fourier transformed stimulus closure should have w, kx, and ky as arguments, not {}".format(closure_args)) w_vec, ky_vec, kx_vec = self.integrator.freq_meshgrid() stimulus_ft = closure(w=w_vec, kx=kx_vec, ky=ky_vec) self.stimulus.ft = stimulus_ft else: if not all(arg in ("t", "x", "y") for arg in closure_args): raise TypeError("Stimulus closure should have t, x, and y as arguments, not {} for computing FFT".format(closure_args)) t_vec, y_vec, x_vec = self.integrator.meshgrid() self.stimulus.ft = self.integrator.compute_fft(closure(t=t_vec, x=x_vec, y=y_vec))
[docs] def connect(self, source, target, kernel, weight=1.0): """ Connect neurons. Parameters ---------- source : pylgn.Neuron Source neuron target : pylgn.Neuron Target neuron kernel : function Connectivity kernel weight : float Connectivity weight """ if isinstance(kernel, tuple): spatiotemporal_kernel = _unpack_kernel_tuple(kernel) else: spatiotemporal_kernel = kernel target.add_connection(source, spatiotemporal_kernel, weight)
[docs] def compute_irf_ft(self, neuron): """ Computes the Fourier transform of the impulse-response function of a neuron. Parameters ---------- neuron : pylgn.Neuron """ neuron.irf_ft_is_computed = True w_vec, ky_vec, kx_vec = self.integrator.freq_meshgrid() neuron.irf_ft = neuron.evaluate_irf_ft(w_vec, kx_vec, ky_vec)
[docs] def compute_response_ft(self, neuron, recompute_irf_ft=False): """ Computes the Fourier transform of the response of a neuron. Parameters ---------- neuron : pylgn.Neuron """ if self.stimulus.ft is None: raise ValueError("Stimulus is not set. Use network.set_stimulus(stimuls).") neuron.response_ft_is_computed = True if not neuron.irf_ft_is_computed or recompute_irf_ft: self.compute_irf_ft(neuron) neuron.response_ft = np.multiply(neuron.irf_ft, self.stimulus.ft) if neuron.background_response.magnitude != 0: neuron.response_ft[0, 0, 0] += 8*np.pi**3 /**2 / self.integrator.dw.magnitude * neuron.background_response.rescale(1/pq.s).magnitude if self.memory_efficient: neuron.irf_ft_is_computed = False neuron.irf_ft = None self.stimulus.ft = None
[docs] def compute_irf(self, neuron, recompute_ft=False): """ Computes the impulse-response function of a neuron. Parameters ---------- neuron : pylgn.Neuron recompute_ft : bool If True the Fourier transform is recalculated. """ if not neuron.irf_ft_is_computed or recompute_ft: self.compute_irf_ft(neuron) neuron.irf = self.integrator.compute_inverse_fft(neuron.irf_ft) * neuron.unit if self.memory_efficient: neuron.irf_ft_is_computed = False neuron.irf_ft = None
[docs] def compute_response(self, neuron, recompute_ft=False): """ Computes the response of a neuron. Parameters ---------- neuron : pylgn.Neuron recompute_ft : bool If True the Fourier transform is recalculated. """ if not neuron.response_ft_is_computed or recompute_ft: self.compute_response_ft(neuron, recompute_irf_ft=True) neuron.response = self.integrator.compute_inverse_fft(neuron.response_ft) * neuron.unit if self.memory_efficient: neuron.response_ft_is_computed = False neuron.response_ft = None # NOTE half-wave rectified function for cortical cells if isinstance(neuron, Cortical): neuron.response = neuron.response.clip(min=0*neuron.unit)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clears the neuron list. """ del self.neurons[:]
############################################################## # Stimulus ############################################################## class Stimulus: """ Stimulus class Attributes ---------- neurons : list List with pylgn.Neuron objects integrator : pylgn.Integrator Integrator object """ def __init__(self, closure): """ Network constructor """ self.spatiotemporal = None self.ft = None self.closure = closure ############################################################## # Neuron classes ##############################################################
[docs]class Neuron(ABC): """ Neuron base class. Attributes ---------- center_response background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations on the Neuron object. connections : dict Dictionary with connected neurons including the connectivity kernel and weight. response : quantity array Spatiotemporal response response_ft : quantity array Fourier transformed response irf : quantity array Spatiotemporal impulse-response function irf_ft : quantity array Fourier transformed impulse-response function """
[docs] def __init__(self, background_response, annotations): """ Neuron constructor Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations on the Neuron object. """ self.unit = 1. / pq.s self.background_response = background_response if isinstance(background_response, pq.Quantity) else background_response * self.unit self.connections = defaultdict(list) self.response = None self.response_ft = None self.irf = None self.irf_ft = None self.irf_ft_is_computed = False self.response_ft_is_computed = False self.annotations = {"background_response": background_response} self.annotations.update({"connections": defaultdict(list)}) self.annotate(annotations)
[docs] def annotate(self, annotations): """ Add annotations to a Neuron object. Parameters ---------- annotations : dict Dictionary containing annotations """ self.annotations.update(annotations)
[docs] def add_connection(self, neuron, kernel, weight): """ Add connection to another neuron. Parameters ---------- neuron : pylgn.Neuron Source neuron kernel : functions Connectivity kernel weight : float Connectivity weight """ self._check_if_connection_is_allowed(neuron) connection = {"neuron": neuron, "kernel": kernel, "weight": weight} self.connections[type(neuron).__name__].append(connection) annotation = {"kernel": closure_params(kernel), "weight": weight} self.annotations["connections"][type(neuron).__name__.lower()].append(annotation)
@abstractmethod def _check_if_connection_is_allowed(self, neuron): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def evaluate_irf_ft(self, w, kx, ky): """ Evaluates the Fourier transform of impulse-response function """ pass
@property def center_response(self): """ Response of neuron in the center of grid over time Returns ------- out : quantity array Response of neuron in the center of grid over time """ idx = int(self.response.shape[1] / 2) return np.real(self.response[:, idx, idx])
[docs]class DescriptiveNeuron(Neuron):
[docs] def __init__(self, background_response, kernel, annotations={}): """ Descriptive neuron constructor Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. kernel : function Impulse-response function. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations. """ Neuron.__init__(self, background_response, annotations) self.set_kernel(kernel)
def _check_if_connection_is_allowed(self, neuron): raise TypeError("Descriptive cells cannot receive connection")
[docs] def evaluate_irf_ft(self, w, kx, ky): """ Evaluates the Fourier transform of impulse-response function """ return self.kernel(w, kx, ky)
[docs] def set_kernel(self, kernel): """ Set the impulse-response function. Parameters ---------- kernel : func or tuple Fourier transformed kernel/ tuple of Fourier transformed spatial and temporal kernel """ if isinstance(kernel, tuple): self.kernel = _unpack_kernel_tuple(kernel) else: self.kernel = kernel self.annotations["kernel"] = closure_params(self.kernel)
[docs]class Ganglion(Neuron):
[docs] def __init__(self, background_response, kernel, annotations={}): """ Ganglion constructor Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. kernel : function Impulse-response function. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations. """ from .kernels.spatial import create_dog_ft from .kernels.temporal import create_biphasic_ft Neuron.__init__(self, background_response, annotations) if kernel is None: kernel = (create_dog_ft(), create_biphasic_ft()) self.set_kernel(kernel)
def _check_if_connection_is_allowed(self, neuron): raise TypeError("Ganglion cells cannot receive connection")
[docs] def evaluate_irf_ft(self, w, kx, ky): """ Evaluates the Fourier transform of impulse-response function """ return self.kernel(w, kx, ky)
[docs] def set_kernel(self, kernel): """ Set the impulse-response function. Parameters ---------- kernel : func or tuple Fourier transformed kernel/ tuple of Fourier transformed spatial and temporal kernel """ if isinstance(kernel, tuple): self.kernel = _unpack_kernel_tuple(kernel) else: self.kernel = kernel self.annotations["kernel"] = closure_params(self.kernel)
[docs]class Relay(Neuron):
[docs] def __init__(self, background_response, annotations={}): """ Relay constructor Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations. """ Neuron.__init__(self, background_response, annotations)
def _check_if_connection_is_allowed(self, neuron): if not isinstance(neuron, (Ganglion, Cortical)): raise TypeError("Unsupported connection to relay cell: ", type(neuron))
[docs] def evaluate_irf_ft(self, w, kx, ky): """ Evaluates the Fourier transform of impulse-response function """ retinal_input = 0 cortical_input = 0 for c in self.connections["Ganglion"]: Krg = c["kernel"](w, kx, ky) Wg = c["neuron"].evaluate_irf_ft(w, kx, ky) w_rg = c["weight"] retinal_input += w_rg * Krg * Wg for c in self.connections["Cortical"]: thalamocortical_connection = c["neuron"].connections["Relay"][0] Kcr = thalamocortical_connection["kernel"](w, kx, ky) Krc = c["kernel"](w, kx, ky) w_rc = c["weight"] w_cr = thalamocortical_connection["weight"] cortical_input += w_rc * w_cr * Krc * Kcr return retinal_input / (1 - cortical_input)
[docs]class Cortical(Neuron):
[docs] def __init__(self, background_response, annotations={}): """ Cortical constructor Parameters ---------- background_response : quantity scalar Background activity. annotations : dict Dictionary with various annotations. """ Neuron.__init__(self, background_response, annotations)
[docs] def evaluate_irf_ft(self, w, kx, ky): """ Evaluates the Fourier transform of impulse-response function """ thalamic_input = 0 for c in self.connections["Relay"]: Kcr = c["kernel"](w, kx, ky) Rr = c["neuron"].evaluate_irf_ft(w, kx, ky) w_cr = c["weight"] thalamic_input += w_cr * Kcr * Rr return thalamic_input
def _check_if_connection_is_allowed(self, neuron): if not isinstance(neuron, Relay): raise TypeError("Unsupported connection to cortical cell: ", type(neuron)) if type(neuron).__name__ in self.connections: raise ValueError("Cortical cell already has a thalamic connection: ", self.connections)